Money Saving Tips - Let Me Share One (maybe two) Of My SECRETS With You (edit/delete)
Via Leander McClain Realtor, Burlington County, NJ Real Estate & Luxury Homes:
DO You Use Coupons?......YOU Don't?
Yesterday I went grocery shopping. Every week my wife & I clip coupons from the Sunday paper. In fact, we only get the weekend newspaper. You can see by my receipt on the right that I saved $38.90 on my shopping order or 24% of the total.
I don't know about you, but if I see $38.90 laying on the ground, I am not going to walk over it and leave it lying there. In these tough economic times coupons may be the way to go.
You Don't Need A Newspaper To Get FREE Coupons
You heard me right. I will share some of my favorite sites which allows you to print your own coupons at home. Take a look at some of these sites:
Another Secret Few People Know About
Have you ever shopped online? When you got to the checkout page, did you see that box that said something like "enter coupon code"? When I am shopping online and I see that, my eyes light up. What that box means is.....somewhere, there is a code that you can type in the box and it will save you money. I purchased a Christmas gift today. I received $150 off, free upgrades and free shipping (cyber Monday sale). When I saw the coupon box, I searched online for (enter company name) COUPON CODES and VOILA, I found a code that saved me an additional $30. Now sometimes these are hit or miss, but isn't it worth a few minutes worth of searching.
If you are keeping track so far this week I have saved $38.90 (groceries), $180 (0nline shopping), $49 (value of shipping) for a grand total of $267.90 and the week is only half over.
Good Luck,
I would like to hear from my readers how much money you have saved and how you did it.
Have A Great Day